Jared Guyer’s Woodworking Portfolio
My first time working with wood was building fairly elaborate backdoor forts during my childhood. My father had bought a fixer upper and we did most of the work ourselves. One of the benefits of this was having a plenty of plywood, 2x4’s, and even things like windows to build these elaborate childhood oases.
Fast forward to 2018. I’d just gotten through restoring all the teak on my 46 foot live-aboard Cheoy Lee in Seattle, WA. Sanding, bleaching, varnishing the wood to bring it back to life inspired me to take the plunge into woodworking. it felt amazing to see tangible work being done via my own hands while my career in product management centers around the abstract. I signed up for a class at Seattle Central Community College that met once a week after work and my woodworking adventure began with making an ash wood toolbox.
I signed up for a second semester because I was hooked, and then everything changed…
When COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, I panicked. I couldn’t find toilet paper at any of the nearby grocery stores. I worried what would happen if the service that pumped out my boat’s septic tanks were to stop working. On top that, my boat wifi, while fine for some remote work, was utterly awful when I needed to do things like run Tableau queries for work. I fled to my childhood home in Oregon. Within weeks I was bored out of my mind so I bought a circular saw and got some cheep pine to play around with. Before you knew it I was buying all sorts of tools with all of the money I was saving from no longer going out to restaurants and happy hours. The addiction was born.
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